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- 5 Questions to Answer about Topical Authority and Future of SEO
5 Questions to Answer about Topical Authority and Future of SEO
Koray Tugberk GUBUR

Hello Dear Friend,
5 questions and answers for the Semantic SEO (Fundamentals) Course are given below. You can examine some of the new website results as well.
Does the Semantic SEO (Fundamentals) Course Help Enterprise Companies?
Yes, the Semantic SEO (Fundamentals) Course helps enterprise companies since the semantics are language-industry-region agnostic.

Topical Authority methodology is implemented site-wide for one of the enterprise companies after a 6-month change.
Is the course for beginners, or does it teach experienced SEOs as well?
Yes, if you are a beginner, it is even better. If you are not, you will still learn everything from scratch. This is a new mindset, a new approach. If you get it earlier, you can start implementing these principles with AI and LLMs.
A quick review from Seth Kaufman. Many thanks to him.

Thank you, Dale, and Seth.
Does the course help with AI?
It helps in understanding the language models and showing the way for future speaking websites with a knowledge base.

Thank you, Abdul Ahmed.
Is it practical for local SEO?
Yes, “locale”, and “occupation” unification is a combination of two entities, and it helps organize a semantic content network for them.

A local SEO company is
Is it practical for SaaS SEO?
Yes, a SaaS project’s SEO results, together with semantic and technical SEO, are below.

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